
Lee Mack - A Memory of Friends xx xxx xx Improvisation [04 18 2014] xx xxx xx 03 14 2014 01 15 2013 Original 01 15 2013

2014-06-13 4 Dailymotion

Improvisation 01 15 2014
Improvisation 04 18 2014

Pinned to walls of apartment halls
Leading to rooms of mansions
Friends live in fantasized home
Addresses - many wings attach to
Fit inside conviction - images
Stuffed in albums - sleeve hidden
Subatomic nuclear energies spin to
Bond nostalgic histories together
To spin irretrievable misadventure
Wasted on experiences in solitary
Confinement -I spin here as though
I were there hoping to find spirit
Unions both here and there -though
Another passenger invisible on a
Love Train spinning out to quanta
Edges - as happens to leave none
Here alone –so tomorrow we will
Appear exposed to ‘Spacetime’ –as
Spirit clouds pinned in dissension
But by the force of love I am here
And there –and you are there and
Here exiled from forgotten arrival
Stations - but departures friends
Do not fail to return from dark
Absurdity and missteps wobbling on
Floors and doors of trains - hold
Light sets on the beloved embrace.

Lee Mack copyright 2009. ISBN # 0615318347. No permission granted.

Lee Mack
